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The top 5 mobile app newsletters to subscribe to in 2024

TL;DR: Discover 5 newsletters that every mobile app developer and marketer should subscribe to — which help you stay in the know about with the latest industry trends, insights, and best practices. Featuring Mobile Dev Weekly, AppCues Newsletter, ASO Stack Newsletter, sidebar Magazine, and Business of Apps Newsletter, these curated resources offer valuable information on app development, user retention, app store optimization, and the business side of mobile apps, to help you succeed in the ever-evolving mobile app landscape.

If you’re keen on staying apprised of the emerging trends and news stories in the mobile app development and marketing, look no further. Here we unveil five essential newsletters dedicated to the world of mobile apps.

They offer cutting-edge information, valuable insights, and helpful resources for both app developers and marketers.

Continue reading to discover mobile app blogs you should consider reading enhance your knowledge about apps.

Key takeaways

  • Subscribing to specialized newsletters keeps mobile app developers and marketers informed about the latest industry trends, updates, and best practices.
  • The Mobile Dev Weekly and sidebar Magazine provide readers with comprehensive resources and deep insights into app development and app store optimization (ASO) respectively, both offering valuable updates and expert advice.
  • Newsletters like AppCues and ASO Stack offer targeted strategies for improving user retention and ensuring subscribers receive relevant and actionable insights for their specific needs.
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Essential newsletters for app developers and marketers

Here are five noteworthy newsletters worth adding to your daily digital intake, each with valuable links relevant to our fast-changing industry and webview app development.

1. Mobile Dev Weekly

Mobile Dev Weekly website asking viewers to subscribe to its newsletter
Image source: Mobile Dev Weekly

The Mobile Dev Weekly newsletter provides essential updates and trends in mobile app development.

Regardless if you’re building apps for iOS or Android systems, this newsletter provides thorough coverage tailored to your needs.

  • Weekly updates: The Mobile Dev Weekly provides readers with important updates about Android and iOS development, vital web development tools, usability resources, and more.
  • Engaging content: They create a variety of engaging content including podcasts, videos, and community conversations to elevate your developing skills.
  • Curated by experts: The content is meticulously selected by industry professionals to ensure you stay abreast with rapid industry movements and critical developments.

To effectively manage your app projects across various operating systems and stay ahead in the competitive market, consider subscribing to Mobile Dev Weekly.

This newsletter is an essential source for keeping mobile app professionals updated on the latest advancements and managing the challenges in this global field.

2. AppCues newsletter

AppCues website asking viewers to subscribe to its newsletter
Image source: AppCues

The AppCues newsletter is an essential resource for anyone looking to enhance user retention.

It offers detailed strategies and insights that cater to the customer’s requirements throughout their journey, thus increasing customer loyalty and lifetime value. It delivers:

  • Expert advice on early-stage retention: Learn how to onboard new users effectively and spark initial engagement, promoting the discovery of your app’s benefits which motivates them to come back.
  • Mid-stage retention strategies: Gain knowledge about engaging customers so that they make use of advanced features more often — this assists in creating an experience with greater stickiness and worth.
  • Late-stage retention insights: Understand why it’s crucial to always provide ongoing value while integrating user feedback into your service – this approach helps maintain satisfaction among devoted customers.
  • Curated by industry experts: The newsletter content is meticulously selected by professionals to ensure you stay ahead with the latest strategies and developments in user retention.

To solidify customer loyalty and amplify overall lifetime value, subscribe to the AppCues Newsletter. This invaluable resource is crafted by industry experts dedicated to helping you succeed in retaining and engaging your app users.

3. ASO Stack newsletter

ASO Stack website asking viewers to subscribe to its newsletter
Image source: ASO Stack

For those intent on perfecting their app store optimization (ASO) skills, the ASO Stack newsletter is an indispensable tool.

It draws upon the methodologies of Phiture’s ASO Stack Framework to deliver profound knowledge for expanding your site and app’s user base with adept application of ASO tactics. It provides:

  • Monthly updates: Stay on top of industry developments with updates on innovations like Apple’s Today Tab, new metrics introduced by Google Play, and additional categories in the App Store.
  • Expert-led sessions: Each edition features sessions led by top professionals, providing valuable intelligence on market dynamics and data trends.
  • Noteworthy acquisitions analysis: Gain insights from analysis on noteworthy acquisitions that shed light on market trends and strategies.
  • Curated by industry experts: The content is meticulously selected by professionals from Phiture, ensuring you receive premier insights and approaches designed to enhance your app’s marketplace presence.

By subscribing to the ASO Stack Newsletter, you ensure instant access to premier insights and approaches designed to enhance your app’s marketplace presence and efficacy.

This essential resource is crafted by Phiture, a leading consultancy in mobile growth, making it a must-have for those involved in mobile app marketing.

4. sidebar Magazine by

sidebar Magazine by screenshot prompting viewers to subscribe
Image source:

sidebar Magazine by is an essential resource designed to keep you updated on the latest trends in the mobile app industry.

Curated by experts, it offers a blend of app news, insightful articles, and valuable instructional resources tailored specifically to the needs and goals of app developers and marketers.

Each edition of sidebar features in-depth coverage of current trends, breakthrough technologies, and innovative strategies that can help you stay competitive in the fast-evolving mobile app landscape.

From detailed case studies to expert interviews, the content is crafted to provide actionable insights that can drive your app development and marketing efforts forward.

Subscribers to sidebar gain access to:

  • Cutting-edge industry news: Stay updated with the latest developments and trends in the mobile app world.
  • Case studies and success stories: Learn from detailed case studies and success stories that highlight effective strategies and best practices in app development and marketing.
  • Expert opinions and analysis: Get perspectives from industry leaders and seasoned professionals.
  • Practical resources: Discover tools, guides, and best practices that can enhance your app development and marketing strategies.

Sidenote: Within sidebar Magazine, you'll find the "Median Minute" subscription newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides the latest news about apps and emerging trends, ensuring that you’re always informed about the most significant updates in the industry.

By subscribing to sidebar and The Median Minute, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the challenges of the mobile app industry and achieve success.

5. Business of Apps newsletter

Business of Apps website asking viewers to subscribe to its newsletter
Image source: Business of Apps

The Business of Apps newsletter is an essential resource for anyone looking to stay informed about the business side of mobile apps.

This newsletter offers a comprehensive overview of the latest trends, news, opinion and insights in the mobile app industry.

Subscribers can expect the following additional features from the Business of Apps newsletter:

  • Industry news and updates: Stay updated with the latest news and developments in the mobile app industry, including market trends, new technologies, and significant business moves.
  • Expert analysis and insights: Gain valuable perspectives from industry experts who provide in-depth analysis and insights on various aspects of the mobile app business.
  • Exclusive reports and resources: Access exclusive reports and resources that provide deeper insights into the mobile app market and help you make informed business decisions.

Subscribe to the Business of Apps newsletter to stay informed about the business dynamics of the mobile app industry.

This newsletter is essential for those seeking to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of mobile apps.


In today’s fast-paced mobile app industry, staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is crucial.

Subscribing to specialized newsletters like Mobile Dev Weekly, AppCues Newsletter, ASO Stack Newsletter, sidebar Magazine, and Business of Apps Newsletter can provide valuable insights and resources directly to your inbox.

These newsletters offer unique information tailored to different aspects of mobile app development and marketing, from user retention strategies to app store optimization.

By subscribing, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate industry challenges and stay ahead of the competition. Remember, staying informed is key to creating and managing successful mobile apps.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main benefit of subscribing to mobile app newsletters?

By subscribing to newsletters that focus on mobile apps, you gain access to a wealth of curated insights, current updates, top tips and valuable resources designed to keep you well-versed in the newest industry trends and top methodologies.

Leveraging this information can give you an edge in the fiercely competitive market for mobile applications.

Which newsletter should I subscribe to if I'm focused on user retention?

To retain users effectively and understand their requirements throughout various phases of their lifecycle, it’s recommended to subscribe to the AppCues Newsletter. This newsletter provides essential strategies and insights that are specifically designed for user retention.

Is there a newsletter that covers both Android and iOS updates?

Yes! sidebar Magazine by is a valuable resource for developers as it covers both Android and iOS updates, analytics and more!

What does the ASO Stack newsletter focus on?

The ASO Stack Newsletter centers on app store optimization (ASO) and delivers knowledge about expanding your user base by implementing effective ASO tactics.

Who curates The Mobile Growth Stack newsletter?

Industry expert and editor Thomas Petit curates the Mobile Growth Stack newsletter, which includes a selection of essays, viewpoints, and connections to pertinent material concerning mobile growth.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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