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The best mobile app ad networks in 2024

TL;DR: To maximize mobile app revenue in 2024, it's crucial to select the right ad networks that balance monetization with user experience, understand platform-specific ad integration, tap into global networks for wider reach, employ analytics for performance optimization, and implement solid user acquisition and retention strategies.

To monetize your app effectively, it is important to choose the optimal mobile app ad providers.

This guide simplifies the complex landscape, offering a clear-cut analysis of leading networks that not only enhance your revenue but also prioritize user experience.

In this blog, you gain actionable insights and direct comparisons to select an ad partner that best complements your app builder's goals, enabling you to monetize efficiently and without undue complexity.

Key takeaways

  • Mobile ad networks act as intermediaries between app developers and advertisers, offering various ad formats and business models to enhance ad revenue and ensure a user-friendly experience.
  • The integration process for mobile ad networks is unique for Android and iOS platforms, each requiring specific configurations and steps to prepare apps for effective ad serving and revenue generation.
  • To maximize ad revenue while preserving user experience, strategic optimization of ad placements, use of global advertising networks, and the application of analytics tools are essential for increasing ad engagement and user satisfaction.
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What is a mobile ad network?

Mobile ad networks play an essential role in bridging app developers with advertisers. The functions of these top mobile ad networks include:

  • Simplifying the process that connects app developers to suitable advertisers
  • Assisting in monetization by allocating specific areas within apps for advertising purposes
  • Serving as middlemen between supply-side platforms used by publishers and demand-side platforms sought out by advertisers

Understanding how mobile ads networks work is crucial for app developers so they can make informed decisions when selecting partners to optimize their revenue streams.

Types of ad formats

The success of mobile advertising hinges on the selection and use of appropriate mobile ad formats.

These include a variety of options such as banner, interstitial, native, rewarded, and app open ads that can be incorporated within mobile apps.

Video ads are especially engaging due to their capacity for high user interaction.

Playable and rewarded video ads enhance user engagement by offering interactive experiences within the app environment, thereby increasing the effectiveness of advertising.

Choosing the right ad format is imperative for both enhancing the user experience and driving revenue growth within mobile marketing.

Tip: Experiment with different ad formats to discover which resonates best with your target audience, as this can significantly affect engagement and revenue.

Top 12 mobile ad networks of 2024

As we navigate through 2024, it's clear that the mobile advertising landscape is evolving rapidly, with mobile ad networks enhancing their services to accommodate ad formats designed for diverse market segments.

These networks are indispensable for app developers looking to boost their app’s visibility, tap into various user demographics, and improve the quality of their advertisements.

However, the challenge lies in identifying the most suitable mobile ad network that aligns with your specific needs, especially if you aim to make an app that stands out in a saturated market.

This section introduces the top 12 mobile ad networks of the year, each selected for their exceptional performance and contribution to the advertising and publishing sectors.

AdMob Native Ads

AdMob Native Ads provide a customizable ad format that blends seamlessly with the app's content, maintaining user experience while effectively monetizing the app. By using elements that match the look and feel of the app, native ads feel less intrusive and can lead to higher engagement rates.

Developers have the flexibility to define how the ads are presented, ensuring that the ads complement your app's design. This results in a more natural and integrated form of advertising that can improve user interaction and retention.

With AdMob Native Ads, advertisers can create a cohesive user journey, enhancing the likelihood of ad interaction and conversion. This platform is a valuable tool for developers looking to monetize their apps without compromising on aesthetics or user experience.

Verizon Media

Offering a suite of advanced advertising options, Verizon Media stands out with its exceptional customer service and specialized outstream video ad formats that cater to the needs of modern publishers and advertisers.

It provides a robust platform that supports a variety of advertising needs, from traditional display ads to more complex video and native solutions.

Verizon Media is particularly noted for its attention to quality and innovation in rich media ads, ensuring that ads are not only effective but also enhance the user experience.

Chocolate Platform

Chocolate Platform is dedicated to revolutionizing mobile app video advertising by delivering customized services that are ideally suited for developers and publishers looking to enhance user engagement through high-quality video content.

They offer a suite of video ad products that cater to the unique demands of mobile environments, ensuring that ads are not only visually appealing but also strategically placed to capture user attention without being intrusive.

Their commitment to innovation in the mobile video ad space is evident through their continuous efforts to optimize ad formats and improve the overall user experience, making them a reliable partner for those aiming to monetize their apps effectively.


With a mobile-first approach, Teads manages video ads that are designed to resonate with an international audience, offering innovative solutions that work across various devices and platforms.

This approach ensures that whether a user is on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, the ad experience is seamless and engaging.

Teads' commitment to cross-device compatibility reflects the contemporary trend of mobile users frequently switching between different screens, making it a versatile partner for marketers aiming to reach consumers wherever they are.


Fyber stands out in the mobile advertising arena by offering cutting-edge, mobile-centric video formats along with comprehensive real-time analytics tools that are meticulously designed for fine-tuning ad campaigns to achieve optimal performance and revenue.

Their platform is tailored to meet the evolving needs of mobile app developers, providing a suite of tools that enhance the ability to track user engagement and monetization metrics in real-time.

This enables developers to make data-driven decisions that maximize ad revenue and ensure a seamless user experience.

Facebook Audience Network

The Facebook Audience Network excels in in-app advertising services, particularly with its expertise in crafting video ads that integrate seamlessly within the content flow, enhancing the user experience.

This platform is not only optimized for mobile app inventories but is also a leading choice for in-app ad placements due to its advanced targeting capabilities and robust analytics.

By leveraging the power of Facebook's extensive user data, the Audience Network provides advertisers with exceptional accuracy in reaching their desired audience, making it an invaluable tool for developers and marketers aiming to maximize engagement and monetization within their mobile apps.

Unity Ads

Unity Ads is renowned as a top choice for mobile game developers, offering a range of compelling video ad formats and attractive eCPMs that cater specifically to the gaming community.

Its straightforward integration process, combined with a focus on monetizing mobile games, positions it as a preferred network for developers who are keen to enhance not only the player experience but also the revenue potential of their games.

Unity Ads' commitment to providing high-quality, engaging ad content helps maintain a balance between profitability and user satisfaction, making it an indispensable partner for game developers in the competitive mobile gaming market.


AdColony excels in delivering high-definition video ads, specifically tailored to the mobile gaming sector, offering immersive and interactive ad experiences that are designed to captivate and engage users across a variety of mobile apps.

Their expertise in creating visually stunning and compelling video content ensures that ads are not only engaging but also highly effective in driving user action.

This focus on quality and user engagement makes AdColony a standout choice for developers who aim to provide their users with an enriching ad experience while also achieving their monetization goals.


AppLovin offers a powerful marketing platform that equips developers with the tools necessary to expand their user base and maximize revenue through innovative advertising strategies.

Their platform is designed to offer a seamless integration of user acquisition and monetization modules, ensuring that developers have access to state-of-the-art technology for reaching new users and generating revenue from their apps.

With a focus on maximizing the potential of each app, AppLovin tailors its services to meet the unique needs of developers, fostering growth and success in the competitive mobile app marketplace.


Vungle is renowned for its dynamic in-app video ads and creative optimization capabilities, which help publishers maximize user engagement and advertisers achieve their performance goals.

With a focus on high-impact, non-intrusive ad formats, Vungle's platform is designed to capture user attention and drive conversions without disrupting the user experience.

Their innovative approach to ad delivery and optimization ensures that each advertisement is not only seen but also interacted with, leading to higher retention rates and better monetization for developers.


Chartboost offers a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed for mobile game developers.

Their ad network, analytics, and user acquisition platform offer a direct approach for mobile game developers to monetize and grow their audience.

By integrating Chartboost’s platform, developers gain access to easy-to-understand analytics that help in understanding player behavior, optimizing in-game economies, and maximizing ad revenues.

Additionally, Chartboost’s user acquisition tools are engineered to target high-quality users by leveraging data-driven insights, which helps in growing a game’s user base and increasing engagement.


IronSource stands as a strong player in the mobile advertising sector, delivering robust growth technologies that allow game and app developers to scale their apps efficiently and boost ad revenues.

Its comprehensive range of intuitive ad formats provides developers with essential tools for monetizing user engagement and elevating the app experience for users.

Ad integration process for Android and iOS platforms

To display advertisements within their applications, app developers must incorporate a mobile ad network by embedding the network’s solitary SDK into their application and initializing it.

This ad network retrieves available device identifiers from the app in order to deliver targeted ads, although there are minor differences in this process between Android and iOS platforms.

Tip: For seamless ad integration on Android and iOS, ensure compatibility with the latest SDK versions and follow platform-specific guidelines to enhance user experience and monetization.

Android app integration

For Android app developers aiming to publish on the Google Play Store, it's important to:

  • Ensure that your app's build file specifies a minimum SDK version of 21 and a compile SDK version of at least 33 before integrating the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
  • Next, incorporate the SDK into your project's build.gradle file and sync it immediately.
  • After setting up the build file, add the necessary configurations to your AndroidManifest.xml, which includes your AdMob app ID.
  • The last step is to initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK during the app's startup.

Completing these steps will prepare your app to display ads and start earning revenue.

iOS app integration

Integration with iOS apps requires a sequence of actions, similar to Android, and is essential for App Store publishing:

  • Using tools like CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager for integrating the SDK of a mobile ad network.
  • Set up the app’s Info.plist within the iOS framework, including the AdMob app ID and SKAdNetworkItems.
  • Following successful integration, initialize the SDK from the mobile advertising network during the launch phase of the application.
  • This step ensures that ads are ready for delivery through the app, kickstarting the revenue generation process.

When you're publishing your app on the Apple App Store, selecting the right mobile ad networks is a critical decision.

It is essential to balance monetization goals with user experience to ensure that advertisements are not only profitable but also non-disruptive to your users.

Tip: For Android, consider using ProGuard rules to minimize and optimize your code, which can also help in protecting your app against reverse engineering. For iOS, regularly update your app to leverage the latest Apple technologies and frameworks, ensuring optimal performance and security.

Global advertising networks and cross-platform solutions

Using global advertising networks comes with several advantages.

  • They offer exposure to a wider variety of user demographics.
  • These networks facilitate increased visibility throughout various nations.
  • Ad campaigns can be easily localized due to support for numerous languages and understanding of diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • They present cross-platform ad solutions, enabling the deployment of a uniform ad campaign effortlessly across platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web.

By tapping into these networks and their offerings, advertisers gain access to instantaneous analytics and are empowered with data-driven strategies that enhance both user involvement and conversion metrics.

Benefits of global networks

Programmatic advertising marketplaces operating on a global scale, like SelectMedia, extend their services across different regions to amplify audience reach for developers and advertisers.

These networks are specialized in presenting region-focused benefits by customizing ad formats and providing campaign management tools that cater to the unique needs of publishers in Asia.

Such localization of strategies enhances the performance and impact of ad campaigns.

Tip: Use global ad networks for broader reach and localized campaigns to effectively target a worldwide audience.

Cross-platform ad solutions

Brands have the opportunity to engage with contemporary consumers across a range of devices and channels through cross-platform ad solutions, expanding the number of potential touchpoints and opportunities for making sales.

By creating responsive interactions that are tailored to individual preferences through email, social media ads, SMS, and mobile web browsers, these strategies help improve customer engagement.

Cross-platform advertising strategies offer the advantage of seamlessly integrating diverse ad formats across a variety of channels, which provides marketers with the flexibility to craft their creative designs and messaging in innovative ways.

Measuring mobile ad campaign performance

Assessing the effectiveness and financial return of mobile ad campaigns is crucial. The performance metrics that are essential for these campaigns include:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This metric indicates the percentage of users who click on an ad relative to the number who view it, serving as a gauge for ad engagement.
  • Conversion Rate: Measures the proportion of users who take a desired action after clicking on an ad, reflecting its effectiveness in driving outcomes.
  • Cost Per Install (CPI): Represents the average cost incurred for each app installation that results from a user clicking on an advertising link, crucial for budgeting in user acquisition campaigns.
  • General Return on Investment (ROI): Calculates the overall profitability of an ad campaign by comparing the revenue generated to the costs incurred, essential for evaluating financial success.

To measure these key indicators, analytics platforms such as Google Analytics and Flurry are key players. They provide critical data that drives campaign optimization by informing strategic decisions and adjustments in the approach to ad campaigns.

Tip: Combine quantitative metrics like CTR with qualitative insights for a comprehensive assessment of your ad campaigns' effectiveness.

Key performance metrics

Success in mobile app marketing is heavily dependent on the tracking and analysis of a range of interrelated metrics.

Using measurement frameworks like incrementality, predictive, and cohort analysis is important for refining strategies aimed at user acquisition and re-engagement.

The best mobile ad networks provide publishers with enhanced services that include deep user analytics, reporting tools, cohort studies, and segmentation of users.

Analytics tools

For app developers, tracking and analyzing the performance of mobile ads is critical to maximizing ad revenue.

This requires effective analytics tools equipped with capabilities like in-depth tracking of ad performance, monitoring user engagement, and pinpointing which specific ads are generating income.

Leading providers of mobile app advertisements facilitate effortless merging of these analytic tools into their systems, offering developers a combined resource for advertising solutions as well as access to performance data.

By providing real-time insights and reporting features, these tools empower app developers to swiftly tweak their ad campaigns for enhanced profitability from advertising efforts.


Understanding the variety of ad formats, revenue models, top-performing ad networks, as well as strategic ad placement and audience targeting, is essential for making informed decisions that align with a developer’s specific needs.

Using analytics tools and key performance indicators is crucial for developers to optimize their advertising strategies.

Implementing effective user acquisition and retention strategies is vital for an app’s success.

As the digital landscape evolves, staying informed and adaptable is key to thriving.

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of mobile ad networks in the app economy?

App developers are able to monetize their webview apps by displaying advertisements thanks to mobile ads networks, which serve as vital intermediaries that link these developers with advertisers.

What are some effective strategies for selling ad space?

To optimize the sale of ad space, it’s advisable to use numerous ad networks to increase competitive bidding. Implementing a mediation platform to sell ad space can streamline management and result in improved fill rates as well as elevated effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions (eCPMs).

How can I measure the performance of my mobile ad campaigns?

With the integration of analytics tools like Google Analytics, Flurry, and Meta App Events, developers can effortlessly track the effectiveness of their mobile ad campaigns. These tools examine key metrics such as Click-Through Rate (CTR), conversion rate, Cost Per Install (CPI), and overall return on investment (ROI). 

Plus, Median's native Meta App Events plugin simplifies the process, making it easy to capture detailed user interactions and optimize ad campaigns based on solid data-driven insights.

What strategies can be used to acquire new users?

Employ strategies like App Store Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, and advertising on social media to captivate a broader audience and draw new users to your platform. Leveraging targeted ad networks such as Google AdMob and Facebook Audience Network can also be instrumental in acquiring fresh users.

How can I retain existing users?

To maintain user retention and offer a smooth experience, it’s crucial to incorporate ads that are harmonious with the in-app behavior of users, thus ensuring ads contribute value without interrupting the user journey.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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