
End of Life

Twilio Programmable Video has issued an EOL notice and will no longer be available to new customers. Existing customers are advised to move to alternative services such as Zoom Video SDK. More information is available at Twilio's website.


Add a native Twilio video chat interface to your app to provide your users a more seamless and integrated experience versus a web-based client.

Implementation Guide

Once the premium module has been added to your app, you may use the following Median JavaScript Bridge commands to access its functionality.

To join a video call, define a callback function in JavaScript, for example:

function twilio_callback(data) { 
    if (data.error) {
        console.log('Twilio Error: ' + data.error);
    } else if (data.status) {
        console.log('Twilio Status: ' + data.status);

↔️Median JavaScript Bridge

Then, run the following JavaScript function, passing in the name of your callback function along with other params displayName, token and identity.

// This command returns a promise if 'callback' is passed
median.twilio.video.join({'displayName': 'room', 'token': 'token', 'identity': 'identity', 'callback': twilio_callback});

Details of the query parameters:

  • displayName: The name of the video call room to join.
  • identity: The name that will be shown on the video call room for the user joining the room.
  • token: The Access Token received from Twilio after authenticated with Twilio. For more information about how to obtain the access token: Twilio API: Access Tokens

Tip: Some JS Bridge commands return promises. They are usually declared as such through a comment to help you identify them. Learn More.