iOS Release Notes

2024 Releases

Aug 24 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • purchase method in In App Purchases plugin now returns transaction information if a POST callback is not configured Docs

Aug 23 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • Fixed an issue where a null value for pinch to zoom settings was being set on rebuild for some apps causing a crash on initial launch

Aug 19 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • AuthPlugin getStatus method no longer throws error if keychain is empty
  • Renamed error code none_enrolled to noneEnrolled for AuthPlugin
  • Renamed error code no_hardware to nowHardware for AuthPlugin
  • Renamed error code security_update_required to ssecurityUpdateRequired for AuthPlugin

Jul 22 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • Improved URL matching for dynamic titles in top navigation bar. Which did not show in some scenarios

Jul 15 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • AppsFlyer plugin now supports an appsFlyerConversionData listener when using our NPM package. Docs

Jul 12 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • If TopNavBar is set to Always and no nav bar is configured in the visual editor the app will now show the defaults (app icon or custom image)
  • Fixed isFirstLaunch key in median.deviceInfo() may be false on first launch of the app

Jul 1 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • PDF viewer now passes correct cookies data in the download request

Jun 18 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • Added InfoPlist.strings file to the project

Jun 12 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • Fixed a crash when setting Bottom Navigation config using JavaScript bridge

Jun 11 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps) are now much better supported. Docs

Jun 7 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • MediaPlayer now correctly shows seek controls in notification center view for playlists.
  • Fixed a memory leak causing media to keep playing in secondary windows even after closing them.

May 14 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • Fixed an issue which may cause OneSignal rich content notification to not show or show with a significant delay

May 9 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • Face ID plugin now works properly with Promises
  • Context menu is correctly disabled for JS links with invalid href values

May 2 - New Feature πŸ†•

Apr 16 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • iOS now supports opening PDF Documents directly within the app.

Apr 15 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • Median now supports OneSignal’s user-centric data model. Existing apps are now in "Legacy Mode". To migrate your app review our documentation and disable Legacy Mode on the Push Notifications tab

Apr 8 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • New method for OneSignal median.onesignal.badge.set which can be used to set notification badge count

Apr 1 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • New method for In-App Purchases plugin: median.iap.purchases() docs

Mar 21 - Bugfix πŸ›

  • Fixed a bug with location callback not triggering when user denies permission

Feb 15 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • now accepts a 2nd parameter called mode. See docs for all the supported values

Feb 13 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • AppsFlyer plugin now supports reporting conversion data on app launch and foreground

Feb 7 - New Feature πŸ†•

  • You can now pick one or more contacts using a native UI when using native contacts

Feb 7 - Bugfix πŸ›

Jan 22 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • Activity Indicator can now be customized

Jan 17 - New Feature πŸ†•

Jan 5 - Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

  • Native Datastore plugin now supports promise-based callbacks