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A Guide to OneSignal’s user-centric push notifications model

TL;DR: OneSignal’s recent transition from a device-centric to a user-centric push notification model transforms how businesses identify, manage, and engage their users. By identifying and managing users as individuals rather than mere devices, this shift allows for more meaningful communications with your audience and more efficient and accurate data management behind the scenes. Learn more as our experts explain what this transition means for your engagement strategy and how Median helps you tap into its massive potential in a few simple steps.

Push notifications have been one of the most powerful user engagement channels for any online business, with OneSignal leading the way with its fast, reliable, and advanced messaging features.

In their latest release, OneSignal has transitioned from a device-centric to a user-centric push notification model. This shift marks a significant improvement in how businesses can identify, manage, and engage users across various messaging channels and devices. Let's dive into the details of these changes and explore how you can leverage this new model using Median.

Key takeaways

  • OneSignal is Median’s most popular push notification plugin. It’s both rich in advanced messaging features and a fit for businesses of all sizes. 
  • In their latest release, OneSignal has transitioned from a device-centric to a user-centric push notification model.
  • This helps you identify, manage, engage your users across various messaging channels and devices with unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and personalization. 
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Understanding device-centric vs. user-centric models

Device-centric model

The device-centric model is when push notifications are tied to individual devices. 

Each device is identified by a unique device ID, and notifications are targeted using these specific device IDs. This means that the focus is on the individual device and does not account for any user context.

For example, if a user has both a smartphone and a tablet, notifications will be sent to each device individually, based on its device ID. 

This could result in the user receiving individual notifications on each device.

User-Centric Model

With a user-centric model, push notifications are tied to unique users, regardless of how many devices they use. Each user is identified by a unique user ID, and notifications are sent to this user ID. 

This model focuses on a consistent experience for each user — regardless of how many devices or touch points they use. 

For example, if a user has both a smartphone and a tablet, they will be identified by a single user ID. Notifications are sent to this user ID, which can then be delivered to any device associated with that user. 

Here’s how these two push notification models compare in terms of functionality:

The two push notification models laid out by OneSignal offered by and OneSignal

Why should you migrate to the user-centric model?

The core idea behind OneSignal’s user-centric push notifications model is to help you manage and communicate with your users as individuals, not just devices. 

This shift translates to more meaningful communications with your audience that transform their experience with your brand + a unified, more efficient and accurate user data management system that slashes operations time and effort.

Here are the user-centric model’s benefits in more detail:

  • Unified user identification: Identify your users as individuals to unify their notification preferences across all their devices + communication channels (push notifications, emails, SMS, etc.). 
  • Improved integrations: Link databases with key business tools like Adobe, Amplitude, MixPanel, Segment for streamlined management of audience cohorts and engagement data.
  • Consistency across channels: Any preferences or data tags you add for a user are instantly available across all touchpoints for more consistent and personalized messaging across the board.
  • Enhanced data accuracy: Reduce the chances of errors/mismatches in user information and create smoother and more reliable UX with consistent, accurate data across platforms.
  • Personalized experience across all channels: Your users enjoy a seamless and personalized experience, no matter how they interact with your brand — be it through push notifications, in-app messages, emails, or SMS.
  • User-centric analysis: Gain more accurate insights into your users’ behaviors and create balanced messaging strategies for improved engagement, conversion, sales.
  • No more over-messaging: Create a refreshing brand experience by optimizing communications frequency for more balanced outreach strategies. 
  • Unique experiences on shared devices: With the new login and logout functions, multiple users — e.g., in a family or an organization — can use the same device and still enjoy personalized notifications.
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How to seamlessly migrate to OneSignal’s user-centric model with Median’s App Studio

Median’s powerful OneSignal native plugin makes transitioning to the new user-centric model easy, fast, and low-cost. All you need to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare: some text
    1. Understand changes: Get familiar with the primary changes from device-centric to user-centric model. 
    2. Ensure no data is lost: Backup current user and device data before starting the migration.
  2. Unify IDs: Implement the necessary JavaScript code on your website to associate devices with users via: some text
    1. External User ID: Make sure you set the external ID on every app start instead of login so users who are upgrading your app can have this set prior to updating to your new app. 
    2. SDK login: Add JavaScript to your website, such as a login success page, to log in the user to the OneSignal SDK with a user identifier.  You can use email, phone number, account number, etc.
  3. Update your app: Disable Legacy Mode in App Studio to upgrade your app and integrate the user-centric SDKs. To do this: some text
    1. Navigate to the settings in Median’s App Studio 
    2. Locate the OneSignal plugin settings 
    3. Disable the "Legacy Mode" setting to start using the latest OneSignal SDKs
  4. Ship updates: Use iOS Phased Rollout and Google Play Staged Rollouts to minimize disruption.
  5. Test and troubleshoot: Monitor user feedback and app performance to address any issues promptly with support from Median and OneSignal if needed.

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Screenshot of Fitbit iPhone app with Touch ID login prompt.

Enhance user satisfaction & drive conversions with OneSignal’s user-centric push notifications

OneSignal's user-centric model will impress your audience with more personalized messaging and refreshing experiences across devices. 

What’s more, Median’s powerful OneSignal plugin makes transitioning to the new model easy, fast, and low-cost. In other words, a no-brainer if you’re looking for ways to build a loyal community through meaningful communications.

Ready to take full advantage of more efficient, accurate, and personalized push notifications? Head over to your App Studio panel to easily migrate to the new model in no time.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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