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How to increase active users in your app: A guide

TL;DR: To increase active users for your mobile app, focus on optimizing the onboarding experience, enhancing user engagement through personalized push notifications, in-app messaging, and gamification elements, and leveraging user feedback for continuous improvement. Regularly update content and features, implement effective retention strategies like loyalty programs and re-engagement campaigns, and use data-driven insights to make informed decisions. A strong user acquisition strategy, including app store optimization and targeted ad campaigns, is also essential for attracting and retaining users.

Looking to increase active users for your mobile app? 

Learn how to optimize onboarding, boost engagement, leverage user feedback, and more. By following these methods, you’ll grow and retain your app’s user base.

Key takeaways

  • A strong user acquisition strategy for mobile apps involves gamification, cross-promotion, and leveraging data to optimize reach and visibility through app store optimization (ASO).
  • Improving the onboarding experience is crucial, including simplifying registration, providing in-app tutorials, and personalizing the onboarding process to reduce user drop-off rates and enhance retention.
  • Regularly updating app content and features, leveraging user feedback through surveys and reviews, and implementing effective community-building strategies can significantly enhance user engagement and retention.
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How to increase active users for your mobile app

Boosting downloads and establishing a strong presence in app stores is crucial for mobile growth and the success of any mobile application, including webview apps.

This involves targeting your audience and optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI. Maintaining a user acquisition strategy is essential for growth and long-term success.

Strategies such as gamification can significantly enhance engagement through competitions, rewards, and missions. While cross-promotion allows showcasing one app on another platform, broadening your reach.

Fine-tuning your ASO strategy with data helps highlight your app's performance in crowded marketplaces, essential for attracting a substantial user base.

Understanding active users metrics

Metrics for active users are crucial barometers of user retention and engagement.

Daily active users (DAU), weekly active users (WAU) and monthly active users (MAU) provide app developers with insights into how often individuals interact with the application, indicating their commitment over time.

Daily active users (DAU)

Tracking DAU provides insights into daily user engagement and the immediate use of an app.

An optimally engaged active user is one who engages in at least 10 sessions every month, demonstrating a high level of interaction with the application.

By keeping an eye on DAU, app developers can identify patterns that emerge over time, allowing them to fine-tune their app to improve overall satisfaction and enhance user engagement.

Tip: To boost daily active users (DAU), focus on delivering consistent value and engaging content that encourages existing users to return every day.

Weekly active users (WAU)

WAU offers app developers a more extended look at user engagement and retention by revealing the number of users who interact with the app weekly.

It extends beyond the daily snapshot given by DAU, providing a wider time frame to assess active use.

By monitoring WAU, app developers can detect behavioral trends and patterns among their user base. This enables them to gain deeper insights into user behavior and preferences, allowing for strategic adjustments that enhance retention rates.

Tip: To boost weekly active users (WAU), focus on delivering fresh content and features regularly to keep users coming back each week.

Monthly active users (MAU)

MAU is a crucial indicator of sustained user engagement and the app’s appeal over time.

It keeps track of the number of active users who keep coming back to the app each month, showcasing their commitment to it.

Focusing on MAU helps app developers spot long-term usage trends. This enables them to create strategies that improve user retention effectively.

Tip: To boost monthly active users (MAU), focus on delivering consistent updates and engaging features that keep users coming back each month.

Optimize onboarding experience

Efficient onboarding is crucial for ensuring users understand the app’s features and derive value early, promoting long-term engagement and retention.

Optimizing the onboarding journey through strategies like simplifying registration, offering in-app tutorials, and personalizing the experience can significantly improve user retention and engagement.

About 25% of users abandon an app after one use, highlighting the importance of initial engagement. Optimizing onboarding can significantly enhance user retention, engagement, and overall app success.

To optimize the onboarding experience, strategies include:

  • Simplify user registration: Reduce user drop-off by making sign-up straightforward. Present login fields on the homepage, avoid confusing 'Sign in' with 'Sign up,' and offer options to see the password and log in through external accounts like Facebook, Google, or Twitter to streamline the process.
  • Provide in-app tutorials: Use interactive tutorials to guide users through the app’s features, enhancing their understanding and usage. Clear directions and user-friendly interfaces ensure a seamless onboarding process, encouraging ongoing interaction.
  • Personalize onboarding: Customize the onboarding experience with personalized messages, content, and recommendations based on user behavior. This tailored approach improves early engagement, retention, and overall user satisfaction.

Tip: Simplify the onboarding process by using clear, concise instructions and interactive tutorials to help users quickly understand and appreciate your app's value.

Enhance user engagement

Engaging users within an app is crucial for elevating customer lifetime value (LTV) and driving overall app success.

High engagement translates to users investing more time and resources into the app, providing valuable insights for ongoing improvement. Increased user involvement not only boosts the app's reputation but also fosters a strong customer community.

Tailored communications and content create relevant encounters for each user, strengthening their connection to the app. By delivering personalized experiences, you can ensure that users feel valued and engaged, which in turn enhances their loyalty and satisfaction.

To enhance user engagement, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Push notifications: These are personalized messages sent directly to users' devices. To implement them, use analytics to segment users and send tailored notifications based on their behavior and preferences. The benefit of push notifications is that they enhance user satisfaction and interaction, renew interest among disengaged users, and boost overall engagement.
  • In-app messaging: This involves messages delivered within the app while the user is engaged. To implement in-app messaging, create personalized in-app stories and offer immediate support with customized content. The benefit is that it enhances user interaction, improves retention rates, and increases in-app purchases.
  • Gamification elements: These include challenges, rewards, and competitive elements integrated into the app. To implement gamification, incorporate badges, incentives, location-specific challenges, and leaderboards. The benefit is that gamification captures users’ attention, ensures active involvement, and encourages frequent app use.

Tip: Use personalized push notifications and in-app messages to maintain user interest and drive continuous engagement.

Leverage user feedback

Customer feedback from quality users is essential for aligning products and services with customer needs, increasing satisfaction and loyalty. Implementing a feedback mechanism where users can share their thoughts can improve engagement.

Actively seeking and incorporating user feedback allows for informed decisions that enhance the user experience and drive app success. Leverage user feedback through strategies like encouraging user reviews, conducting surveys, and implementing feedback loops.

Using multiple channels like surveys, social media, and customer service interactions to gather diverse customer feedback can provide valuable insights.

Feedback tools can be integrated directly into the app, allowing for real-time feedback collection.

Below are specific techniques to leverage user feedback effectively:

  • Encourage user reviews: Prompt users to post reviews on both your website and external review platforms. Conduct Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to quickly measure customer attitudes. User testimonials provide critical feedback to improve the app and attract more users.
  • Conduct surveys and polls: Collect immediate reactions on usability, functionality, and design directly within the app. Keep surveys and polls concise and focused to acquire precise feedback. Regularly implementing these tools helps understand user preferences and needs.
  • Implement feedback loops: Establish dedicated teams and set quantifiable objectives to incorporate user recommendations systematically. Acknowledge and address user reviews to demonstrate commitment to customer needs, enhancing your brand image. Effective feedback loops are crucial for continuous app improvement and sustained user engagement.

Tip: Foster user engagement by integrating interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and live chats to keep users actively participating.

Content and feature updates

To keep your mobile users both engaged and interested, it's essential to regularly introduce new features and update the app’s interface. Frequent updates maintain user curiosity and encourage ongoing interaction.

Regular content and feature updates are crucial for maintaining user interest and engagement.

Strategies like timed content releases, new functionalities, and seasonal promotions can keep your app fresh and exciting for users.

Keeping your app updated ensures compatibility with new operating systems and devices, enhancing your app's performance and efficiency. A dynamic app builds long-term user loyalty and satisfaction.

Scheduled content updates

Frequently refreshing app content offers numerous advantages, such as:

  • It sustains user interest and promotes repeated use of the app
  • Timely updates to content ensure the app remains vibrant, prompting users to revisit often
  • Establishing a pattern of regular updates cultivates anticipation and sets expectations for users

By planning consistent updates to your content, you help maintain high levels of user engagement and reduce the chances of users abandoning your platform.

Tip: Regularly update your app's content to keep it fresh, engaging, and relevant for users.

Introducing new features

Enhancing engagement and satisfaction often means adding new features based on user feedback. By listening to what users want and need, developers can make improvements that directly address pain points and enhance overall user experience.

To maintain competitiveness, it’s essential that new feature implementations are in sync with current market trends.

Ensuring your app consistently delivers what users hold in high regard will keep it relevant and captivating.

Tip: Introduce new features gradually and highlight their benefits through in-app messages to ensure users understand and use them effectively.

Seasonal promotions

Leveraging holidays and special events allows you to run timely promotions that boost user acquisition and engagement. These peak times are key opportunities to attract new users and re-engage existing ones.

Seasonal promotions and themed events capture user interest and increase engagement by leveraging the festive spirit.

Limited-time rewards during these periods provide extra motivation for users to participate actively, creating a sense of urgency and excitement.

For example, you can offer special discounts, exclusive content, or limited-time rewards during holiday seasons to captivate users and encourage them to engage more with your app.

Tip: Capitalize on holidays and special events to encourage users by offering exclusive promotions and limited-time rewards to boost user engagement and acquisition.

Building communities to enhance user engagement

Community-building strategies can increase user retention rates by up to 25%.

Interactive features like chat rooms, forums, and messaging enable user communication and collaboration. User-generated content fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the app community.

Below are specific techniques to build a strong app community:

  • Social media integration: Adding social features like user profiles, comments, and sharing options can boost interaction within the app. These features allow users to share their achievements, increasing engagement and app visibility. Integrating social media can extend the app's reach and improve user interaction.
  • User forums and groups: Dedicated forums and groups help create a sense of community and provide support. Users can discuss their goals, share progress, and offer help to each other. Establishing these groups fosters a connected environment, increasing user engagement and retention.
  • Hosting events and challenges: Organizing in-app events and challenges can enhance user engagement. Live events or competitive challenges create a dynamic atmosphere that encourages community spirit. Regularly scheduled events build excitement and anticipation, leading to increased app usage and user engagement.

Tip: Foster a sense of belonging by encouraging user interaction through forums, social features, and community events within your app.

Effective use of analytics tools

Analytics tools for mobile apps offer valuable insights into the behavior of app users, which is critical in making informed decisions aimed at enhancing their experience.

By keeping an eye on key metrics such as the number of new user acquisitions, levels of user engagement, and rates of retention and conversion, you can pinpoint where your app might need improvement.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Essential KPIs to focus on for assessing mobile user acquisition include:

  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC): Measures the cost of acquiring a new user.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): Indicates the percentage of users who click on a specific link or ad.
  • Conversion rate: Shows the percentage of users who complete a desired action.
  • Lifetime value (LTV): Estimates the total revenue a user is expected to generate over their lifetime.
  • Churn rate: Represents the percentage of users who stop using the app over a given period.

By keeping an eye on these metrics consistently, you can understand how users interact with your app and use this data to make adjustments that will enhance your app's overall performance.

A/B testing

Conducting A/B testing is essential for identifying the most effective app functionalities to boost user engagement. Here are the steps to perform A/B testing:

  1. Set clear hypotheses and success criteria: Define what you aim to achieve and how you'll measure success
  2. Create variations: Develop different versions of the feature or design you want to test
  3. Split your audience: Divide your user base into groups to test the different variations
  4. Run the test: Implement the variations and collect data over a specified period
  5. Analyze the results: Compare the performance of each variation to determine which one is more effective
  6. Implement the best version: Apply the most successful variation to your app

Regular A/B testing helps refine your app's features and improve overall user satisfaction.

Tip: Use A/B testing to compare different versions of app elements and determine which one drives higher user engagement.

Data-driven decisions

Using data analytics, mobile apps can personalize experiences to meet user needs effectively. This ensures the mobile app always remains engaging and relevant.

Adjusting factors like demographics and interests based on data refines the target audience. This connects with highly engaged individuals likely to have a LTV.

Using data-driven insights, developers can prioritize features that resonate with user trends and feedback.

Retention strategies

Retention is crucial for sustainable success in the competitive app landscape. Retaining a user is often five times cheaper than acquiring a new one.

Loyalty programs, personalized content, and re-engagement campaigns can turn first-time users into loyal customers.

Providing ongoing value and addressing user needs are central to effective retention strategies. Regular updates help retain and engage users, by keeping the app fresh and relevant.

Some strategies to help improve user retention include:

  • Loyalty programs: Incentives such as rewards, loyalty points, and perks for regular use can significantly increase user engagement. These programs can be tailored for various industries, including retail, food service, and travel, to improve customer retention. Successful loyalty initiatives build trust and long-term commitment, leading to sustained interaction.
  • Personalized content: Gathering user data during onboarding allows for tailoring content and suggestions, enhancing relevance and engagement. This approach builds loyalty through a compelling user experience. Personalizing experiences and navigation paths for different user segments can greatly increase engagement and retention rates.
  • Re-engagement campaigns: Targeted messaging and offers aim to recapture inactive users. Personalized push notifications and emails can rekindle interest in users who have stopped using the app. Effective re-engagement strategies include exclusive discounts and information about new features, timed to make the most impact.

Tip: Focus on delivering continuous value and personalized experiences to keep users engaged and loyal.


To boost the number of active users for your mobile app, employ a strategic mix of user acquisition strategies and retention techniques.

Key strategies include optimizing the onboarding experience, enhancing user engagement through personalized push notifications, in-app messaging, and gamification elements, and leveraging user feedback for continuous improvement.

Regular content and feature updates, along with effective retention tactics such as loyalty programs and re-engagement campaigns, are crucial.

Consistently analyze active user metrics and make data-driven decisions to ensure long-term growth and success.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the key metrics to track for user engagement?

Monitoring vital indicators such as daily active users (DAU), weekly active users (WAU), monthly activeuUsers (MAU), click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, customer acquisition cost (CAC), churn rate, and lifetime value (LTV) is essential for evaluating user engagement.

By keeping an eye on these metrics, you can gain an understanding into the levels of engagement among users.

What strategies can I use to enhance user engagement?

In order to boost satisfaction and interaction, consider implementing personalized push notifications along with in-app messaging. Incorporating gamification features such as challenges and rewards can markedly elevate user engagement.

Such strategies are potent tools for enriching the overall user experience by significantly increasing the level of user engagement.

How can I leverage user feedback to improve my app?

By encouraging user reviews, running focused surveys, creating feedback loops, and reporting back improvements to users, you can effectively use user feedback.

This approach allows for the ongoing enhancement of your app informed by the recommendations provided by its users.

What are some effective retention strategies for mobile apps?

Implementing retention strategies for mobile apps can greatly enhance engagement and maintain user interest. Key tactics include the creation of loyalty programs, tailoring content and experiences to individual preferences, as well as executing re-engagement initiatives aimed at revitalizing dormant users and transforming newcomers into dedicated patrons.

Employing these methods is critical in fostering a sense of commitment among app users, thereby boosting retention rates effectively.

How can I optimize user acquisition for my mobile app business?

To optimize user acquisition for your mobile app business, focus on creating a robust mobile app user acquisition strategy that includes app install ads, optimizing your App Store presence, and leveraging data to target the right audience. Collaborate with a user acquisition manager to fine-tune campaigns and maximize ROI.

What role do app install ads play in attracting users?

App install ads are crucial for attracting users by promoting your app directly to potential users. These ads enable users to easily download and install your app, boosting your user acquisition efforts and enhancing your App Store presence.

How can optimizing your app store pages help attract users?

Optimizing your app store pages can attract users by improving your app's visibility and appeal. This includes using relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, high-quality screenshots, and engaging videos. Positive reviews and ratings also play a crucial role in attracting potential users.

How do mobile ad networks contribute to user acquisition?

Mobile ad networks contribute to user acquisition by allowing you to display ads for your app across a wide range of platforms and apps. This increases your app's exposure to potential users who may not have discovered it otherwise.

What methods can be implemented to turn new users into loyal users?

To turn new users into loyal users, app marketers should focus on providing a seamless onboarding experience, delivering consistent value, and engaging users with personalized content and notifications. Implementing loyalty programs and regularly updating your app with new features can also help retain users.

How can you ensure a seamless user experience from app store page to app usage?

Ensuring a seamless user experience involves creating an intuitive and user-friendly app store page that clearly communicates the app's value. Once users download the app, the onboarding process should be smooth and informative, guiding users through the app's features without overwhelming them.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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