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Change your Apple Developer account from individual to organization

TL;DR: To elevate your App Store presence from an individual account to an organization account, obtain a D-U-N-S Number, align your account with your business, and prepare for the legal and financial aspects of the transition. This change expands your operational capabilities within the Apple Developer ecosystem.

Often, App Developer account levels can become a logistical headache for developer teams working in larger businesses. 

Enter this guide: It provides direct, essential steps for changing your Apple Developer account from individual to organizational access.

Key takeaways

  • Account transition from individual to organization within the Apple Developer Program requires recognition as a legal entity.
  • Organizations must obtain a D-U-N-S Number as proof of identity and legal status, a prerequisite for entity verification in the Apple Developer Program enrollment.
  • The conversion process does require preparing and submitting some necessary documents and paying some fees, 
  • Managing developer accounts involves assigning legal authority; i.e., assigning one person the legal authority to enter into contracts with Apple; and regular administrative updates.
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Evaluating your enrollment type: Individual vs. organization

An organization Apple Developer account is a professional representation of your business  identity and makes collaboration easier across your development team

Individual accounts provide access to Apple's development tools but come with limitations such as App ID restrictions and frequent app re-provisioning for device testing.

If scaling up is in your plans, then definitely consider the benefits of an organization account: improved brand representation and compliance with Apple App Store guidelines for various apps, including iOS webview apps.

Tip: Before transitioning your individual Apple Developer account to an organizational one, secure a D-U-N-S Number and ensure all business details are accurately reflected in your account for a smooth changeover.

What is a D-U-N-S Number and how do I get one?

The D-U-N-S Number is a nine-digit identifier (a.k.a. “A data universal numbering system”). The D-U-N-S Number is key to proving your company’s legitimacy and legal entity status for the Apple Developer Program enrollment.

How does one get a D-U-N-S Number? Well, your business must be an established corporation, a limited partnership, or a limited liability company to get this number.

What does a D-U-N-S Number cost?

You can apply for a D-U-N-S Number at no cost. When you’re ready to apply, make sure to meet these three criteria below:

  • Must have a valid “legal entity” status — i.e., be a legitimate organization to open an organization account
  • Have a public website for your organization that you own — ensuring a professional online presence
  • Assign one person in your organization the legal authority to make decisions in behalf of the organization

Meeting these three criterias will ensure a D-U-N-S Number — saving your organization the time and complications associated with rejections.

Tip: To streamline the process of obtaining a D-U-N-S Number, ensure your business is legally registered and has a professional online presence before applying.

How do you convert an individual app developer account into an organization account?

Transitioning from an individual to an organization account is as easy as 1-2-3 — follow the steps below for a smooth transition:

  • Register your organization, such as ‘ABC Company’, as a legal entity to qualify for an organization account.
  • Update your developer account to a corporate email address, marking a crucial step in the transition process.
  • A high-ranking official from your organization must reach out to Apple Developer Program Support with your organization’s details and intent to upgrade the account.
  • Secure a domain name that represents your organization’s online presence.
  • Ensure your business is listed with a D-U-N-S Number, which is a critical step in the transition to an organization account on the App Store.

Tip: When transitioning to an organization account, ensure all legal documentation is in order and anticipate the roles and responsibilities that come with managing a business presence on the App Store.

A step-by-step guide to the conversion process

A step-by-step guide to the conversion process

To ensure a seamless upgrade from an individual to an organization Apple Developer account, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Apple Developer Program Support page and fill out the 'Contact Us' form with a clear subject line and detailed description of your company's objectives.
  • Keep your organization’s documents accessible on your mobile device for the upcoming audit call from Apple, which is part of their verification process.
  • Respond promptly to any emails from Apple that request additional organization information to finalize your developer account transition.

During the waiting period, dedicate time to refining your app monetization strategy and assessing app development costs.

This preparation is vital for showcasing your organization’s readiness to engage with the iOS market share and succeed in Apple's platform.

Tip: Keep your organization’s documentation organized and easily available to facilitate a smooth and efficient account conversion process.

iOS app developer membership fees: What to expect

Entering the Apple Developer ecosystem requires an annual membership fee. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s membership fees:

  • Both individual and organization accounts are charged an annual fee of $99 USD.
  • Opting for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program incurs a fee of $299 USD per year.
  • Fees are typically charged in your local currency and billed to the credit card on file.
  • The membership renews automatically each year, but you can cancel at any time to avoid subsequent charges.
  • Local taxes may apply to these fees unless you're eligible for tax-exempt status. In that case, provide Apple with the necessary tax exemption documentation for a potential refund.

When budgeting for your organization, include these membership fees, as they provide access to Apple's global platform, enabling you to present your software to a vast audience.

It's important to manage these expenses wisely to maintain your organization's financial well-being while taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Apple Developer Program membership.

Tip: Minimize app developer fees by consolidating services and opting for long-term plans; routinely assess your subscriptions to cut excess costs.

Managing your Developer and App Store Connect accounts

Carefully align your financial planning with Apple's privacy policy requirements.

Make sure that each device used for development — including devices compatible with hybrid app and webview app development — is registered within the limit of 100 devices per category.

Once a device is removed from your account, it cannot be added again until the next enrollment year — which is why, understanding and following Apple's strict guidelines is key,

Maintain up-to-date and precise information across your developer account and App Store Connect to reflect your brand.

App Store Connect is your operational hub for managing app submissions, sales, and compliance with legal agreements — this is crucial for the successful launch of your apps in the global market.

Tip: Regularly review your Developer and App Store Connect accounts to ensure that all information is current and accurate, reflecting any changes in your team or business structure. This will help prevent any disruptions in your app development and distribution process.

Navigating legal agreements and authority

The person holding legal authority within your organization is responsible for managing the Apple Developer account. This role is critical and requires attention to detail. Responsibilities include:

  • Vigilantly overseeing the Apple Developer account.
  • Ensuring adherence to legal terms, licensing agreements, and program guidelines
  • Facilitating the transfer of the Account Holder role when leadership changes occur

As the primary legal contact, this individual must:

  • Maintain compliance with Apple's requirements.
  • Keep the organization’s official address and records up-to-date.
  • Protect the digital standing of the venture within the Apple Developer ecosystem.

Tip: The individual with legal authority over your organization's Apple Developer account must be meticulous in managing the account's legal agreements, program guidelines, and Apple's terms of service, including any updates or changes to the company's official records.


Transitioning from an individual to an organization Apple Developer account requires obtaining a D-U-N-S Number, understanding membership fees, and managing account logistics.

Developers upgrading their App Store presence benefit from an enhanced professional brand and expanded operational capabilities.

Preparation and comprehension of the legal and financial requirements are crucial for managing an organization's presence within the Apple Developer ecosystem.

Frequently asked questions

What are the main differences between an individual and an organization Apple Developer account?

The main differences between an individual and an organization Apple Developer account are that the individual account type is linked to a personal name and has limitations on app distribution and testing, while the organization account operates under a legal entity name, requires a D-U-N-S Number, and offers broader app management capabilities.

Why is a D-U-N-S Number important for an organization account?

To establish credibility and confirm the legal entity status within initiatives such as the Apple Developer Program, an organization account requires a D-U-N-S Number to authenticate its identity.

Can I transfer my individual developer account to someone else when transitioning to an organization account?

Certainly, during the transition process to better suit your organization’s requirements, it is possible to change the ownership of the developer account over to a business email.

Are there different membership fees for individual and organization accounts?

Indeed, the yearly subscription cost for an Apple Developer membership is $99 USD regardless of whether one registers as an individual or as part of an organization. Organizations have the alternative to join the Apple Developer Enterprise Program for a higher fee of $299 USD annually.

The pricing can differ depending on the region and may be influenced by local tax regulations.

How can I manage subsidiaries within my organization's Apple Developer account?

To manage subsidiaries within your organization’s Apple Developer account, ensure they are legally connected and verified by Apple, then they can independently manage their App Store settings.

How does transitioning to an organization Apple Developer account benefit those looking to convert a website to an app?

When you upgrade to an organization account, you gain access to a suite of tools and capabilities that are particularly beneficial for businesses aiming to convert their website to an app. This transition enables a more professional approach to app development and management, which is essential when you're looking to leverage your "web to app" strategy effectively within the Apple ecosystem.

What are the different roles available in Google Play Console?

Google Play Console offers various roles to manage access and responsibilities within your app's development and publishing process. These roles include:

  • Account owner: The primary administrator with full access to all features and settings.
  • Admin: Can manage all settings and features except for the account owner-specific settings.
  • Developer: Can access development tools, upload APKs, and manage app releases.
  • Finance: Can view financial data and manage orders and subscription settings.
  • Marketing: Can manage store listings, pricing, and in-app products.
  • Support: Can respond to user reviews and access crash reports.

Each role is designed to provide specific access levels and responsibilities, ensuring that team members can perform their tasks efficiently without compromising security.

What is the purpose of the email address ""?

The email address "" is used by Google to send automated notifications related to payment transactions, such as purchase confirmations, receipts, and subscription updates. These emails are typically sent from a "no-reply" address to indicate that the mailbox is not monitored for incoming messages, meaning users should not reply directly to these emails. Instead, if you have any questions or issues regarding your payments, you should contact Google Support through their official support channels.

What should you do if you receive the message "you do not have access to Google Developers"?

It typically means that your account lacks the necessary permissions to access certain features or areas within the Google Developers platform. This could be due to several reasons, such as not being added as a team member, insufficient role permissions, or issues with your account status. To resolve this, check with your account administrator to ensure you have the correct access rights, or contact Google Support for further assistance.

How does the market share of iOS compare to Android?

Globally, Android holds a larger market share, with about 70-75% of the smartphone market, while iOS captures around 25-30%. This is due to Android's presence in a wide range of devices from various manufacturers. However, iOS tends to dominate the United States and parts of European markets. Despite its smaller global share, iOS users often show higher app engagement and spending, making it a valuable platform for developers.

When choosing which platform to target, consider your audience's location and preferences to align your app strategy with the market dynamics of iOS and Android.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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