How to Hide/show Bottom Tab Bar Screen rotation

How to Hide Bottom Tab Bar When Screen Rotate Landscape and Show Bottom Tab Bar When Screen Rotate Portrait

Website is already secured by Auth0, do we have to purchase the plugin?

The website we are attempting to set up in Median is already secured by Auth0. I am having trouble signing, it's kind of working, but I am seeing some odd errors. Do we have to purchase the Auth0 plugin if we have Auth0 set up on our site already? If we do purchase the Auth0 plugin, how does that work seamlessly with the website to keep the website from forcing sign in? I'm confused how the plugin and the web will work smoothly together.

New Release does not support as many devices

![]( This is my first time rebuilding since our app was deployed in January. I saw that a lot of devices are no longer supported. Is this any cause for concern or is this expected as the framework gets developed and older devices are deprecated?

Redirects inside mobile app

Hi! I have questions related to redirect to other domains 1. When my user loads the app, I need to check their language and redirect to slightly different website, so first start url would be different than the url of the target website\*\*. Can I do this inside median? 2. Will this work correctly with Deep Links settings? \*\* In a current tech stack I can't change database connection on the fly by depending on Accept-Language header, so I suppose I need some "middleware app" that make this redirects to different websites depending on Accept-Language header

Custom Icons from Website Glyph WebFont

Hello, Is it possible to use custom icons embedded on the website (exported via Fontello and integrated via a font-face css declaration) rather than embedded in the app (like documented in Median Docs), so to prevent republishing an app version only to change or add a new icon ? Best regards, Antoine

Can I hide the status bar on scroll?

[block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "", "", "iphone status bar" ], "align": "center" } ] } [/block]

How to hide vertical scrollbar on iOS?

Is there a way to hide vertical scrollbar on iOS?

[Android] PDF Viewer issues - PDF protected by password crashes the app

Hi there. In our app we serve some PDFs that are password protected. When these try to get opened, the app crashes as there's no handling done for password protected ones - doesn't pop any input for the password. Crash sample:``` Exception java.lang.SecurityException: password required or incorrect password at at<init> ( at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererCore.<init> (PdfRendererCore.kt) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.init (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.init (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.initWithFile (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at (PdfViewerActivity.kt:1) at$lambda$12$lambda$10 (PdfViewerActivity.kt:1) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loopOnce ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke at$ ( at ( ``` If there's any other info needed, please let me know. We're waiting for a fix soon in order to re-compile and publish the update. Thanks.

Median protocol

How do you use median protocol for this?, mode); This will go to the new page, but I no longer get the back arrow when I link out from my app to the internet as I did when using gonative. So, I would like to try including mode='appbrowser' window.location.href = 'median://window/open?url=' + url;

What happened to the plug-in pricing page?

![]( There used to be a page that listed pricing for all of the plugins? Why is that hidden now?