Employee App

How BenefitsApp uses Median to benefit employees

Built on Salesforce Lightning, BenefitsApp provides corporate employees with easy access to benefits, all in one secure place.

The challenge: Innovate the corporate benefits space — on a budget

Led by Founder Rich Wiklund, BenefitsApp’s mission is to help companies empower their employees with all of the corporate health benefit information they need — right in the palm of their hand. 

Each white-labeled app is powered by a Salesforce Lightning system, allowing clients to connect with their employees on a mobile level. 

That’s why producing branded, feature-rich, up-to-date mobile apps for its customers is key to the business model.

Building customer-first apps from scratch can be taxing on time, budget, and human resources. But luckily, BenefitsApp discovered a cost-effective solution that easily generates full-featured mobile apps using existing web content — and at a fraction of the cost of in-house development.

Having Median manage our apps keeps us in the business of serving our clients and innovating new ways to help them, instead of the app development business.
Rich Wiklund
Founder & CEO, BenefitsApp.com

The solution: Build an infinite number of apps — for an infinite number of clients

To produce branded native apps, Wiklund turned to Median for both scale and speed.

Why? Because Median can publish and maintain an infinite number of apps customized to BenefitsApps’ specific needs, such as white-labeling apps to meet each clients' brand guidelines, and orchestrating the client’s benefits programs inside Salesforce Lightning to deliver the right policy information to employees.

At the same time, BenefitsApp trusts Median to scale its business and serve more and more users without increased complexity — ensuring that it's able to meet the needs of a steadily growing customer base.

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Median supports your mobile app integrations

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The result: Faster go-to-market with Median.co

Developing apps that deliver health benefits and content unique to each employee can be a time- and cost-consuming process — mostly because of the custom integrations required.

Not this time: By choosing Median, BenefitsApp was able to go to market faster, while also being able to tailor their solutions to each client’s unique needs — and can continue to do this at scale.

Median’s extensive integration capabilities and the expertise of its support team empowered Rich and his team to launch a complex app in just under 2 months.

From the start, I instinctively knew this experience with Median was right. Their products and services have made life in the technology business much easier.

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