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Top Navigation Bar - Dynamic Titles


I am currently facing two issues with the Top Navigation Bar Title in the Median Dashboard Simulator.

  1. On the iOS simulator, the title I set in Native Navigation > Top Navigation Bar Visual Editor > Custom Title is not displayed. Instead, the text from Overview > App Name is shown.

  2. On the Android simulator, the Custom Title displays correctly. However, the settings for the Dynamic Title are not working as expected.
    Here is an example of the JavaScript Bridge code I am using for this.
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('median') > -1) {
    	// Set Dynamic Titles on Top Navigation Bar
        active: true,
        persist: true,
        titles: [
            title: 'News',
            regex: '.*/news.*'
            title: 'Hello World',
            regex: '.*'

    When I open the **domain/news** page, "News" is shown briefly in the title, but it soon changes to "Hello World," which is the default for **regex: '.\*'**. (I understand that the rules for Dynamic Title are prioritized from top to bottom, but could it be that the Android app is prioritizing the bottom rule instead?)

I would like to know if these issues are related to the Median Simulator. Could you investigate this issue?
